Fulton Hall 444
Telephone: 617-552-1952
Email: stevan.brasel@orkexpo.net
Visual Processing in New Media Environments; Interface Psychology; Sensory Marketing; and Unconscious Processing in Branding and Advertising.
S. Adam Brasel’s primary area of interest is visual marketing and interactive interfaces. As co-director of the Marketing Interfaces Lab, he uses eyetrackers and other advanced tools to explore how the rapidly changing media environment affects consumer perception and visual processing. His research explores issues such as how consumers media-multitask between computers and televisions, the ways touch and voice interfaces change online behavior, and sensory effects such as sound and texture in product evaluations. His research has appeared in venues such as the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Psychology, the Journal of Marketing Research, National Public Radio, and the Economist.
“Components of visual perception in marketing contexts: a conceptual framework and review,” (With Kevin Sample, Henrik Hagtvedt.) Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48, 405-421. May, 2020.
“Media Multitasking: How Visual Cues Affect Switching Behavior.” (With James Gips.) Computers in Human Behavior, 77, 258-265. December, 2017.
“Color Saturation Increased Perceived Product Size,” (With Henrik Hagtvedt.) Journal of Consumer Research, 44 (2), 396-413. August, 2017.
“Living Brands: Consumer Responses to Animated Brand Logos.” (With Henrik Hagtvedt.) Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 44 (5), 639-653. May, 2015.
“Crossmodal Communication: Sound Frequency Influences Consumer Responses to Color Lightness.” (With Henrik Hagtvedt.) Journal of Marketing Research, 53 (4), 552-562. August, 2016.
“Tablets, Touchscreens, and Touchpads: How Varying Touch Interfaces Trigger Psychological Ownership and Endowment.” (With James Gips.) Journal of Consumer Psychology, 24(2) 226-233. April. 2014.
“Red Bull ‘Gives You Wings’ For Better or Worse: A Double-Edged Impact of Brand Exposure on Performance.” (With James Gips.) Journal of Consumer Psychology, 21(1), 57-64. January, 2011.
“Breaking Through Fast-Forwarding: Brand Information and Visual Attention.” (With James Gips.) Journal of Marketing, 72 (6), 31-48. November, 2008.
Professor Brasel is currently on the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Consumer Psychology, the Journal of Retailing, and the Journal of Business Research. Before joining the BC Faculty, Professor Brasel served in marketing and research positions such as the Eyetracker Lab Coordinator for a visual research lab, a Project Leader at the Food & Brand Research Lab, and a Selling Accounts Coordinator for an internet advertising marketplace.